
How Does Botox Help?


Many people who might be new to aesthetic medicine are still familiar with a lot of terms surrounding it. One of the most recognized terms with the most baggage is “Botox.” So just what is Botox? And what is it used for? On a Basic Level For starters, Botox and facial fillers are often confused [...]

How Does Botox Help?2022-06-17T00:18:04+00:00

4 Common Ways to Reduce Stress


There's always something else to do. It's one other thing you've forgotten about or left undone. Or, at least, it can feel that way at times. We get involved in our own world and all too often lose perspective. Stress is a part of our existence, but that doesn't mean that it has to rule [...]

4 Common Ways to Reduce Stress2022-06-17T00:21:55+00:00

Best Tips for Good Health


Keeping up with everything in your life can really be a difficult struggle. Especially when it comes to keeping up with all of the new research that comes out, even knowing right from wrong is tough. Considering that products like low-fat milk hold the "low fat" claim on the label yet does not explain that [...]

Best Tips for Good Health2022-06-17T00:26:28+00:00

Boosting Your Immune System


Flu season is bad this year. People have been getting ill and even dying. When it comes to the spread of disease, there are a lot of factors you need to think about to keep both yourself and your family safe. It's times like these these that a boost to the immune system can help [...]

Boosting Your Immune System2022-03-17T18:48:27+00:00

Can I Really Get Rid of a Hangover?


We get this question quite a bit. And we can totally understand why! Throughout the history of humans farming, making beer, wine and spirits was as much a practical endeavor as it was recreational. For many early humans in these societies, making alcohol was a way of preserving crops as a liquid that would still [...]

Can I Really Get Rid of a Hangover?2022-03-17T18:30:33+00:00

So What is a “Mobile Aesthetic” Clinic Anyway?…


We're now almost two decades into the 21st century. It was about time that the industry got with the program! Historically speaking, the only way to really offer aesthetic and cosmetic services was to go to a physician's office. For everything! It didn't matter if it was a short consultation or a quick injection, a [...]

So What is a “Mobile Aesthetic” Clinic Anyway?…2022-05-16T16:29:09+00:00