Have you been looking forward to sweet summertime all winter? Beautiful beaches, crystal clear swimming pools, endless sunshine, and rays of vitamin D might be just what you’re craving just about now. Listening to your family laugh and play into the evening is one of the best times of the year!

Many are unaware of the negative impact that warm summer air can have on your skin, including acne breakouts, rashes, and eczema from extreme humidity — sometimes reaching above 70 percent in the south. Atlanta Mobile Aesthetics and Hydrotherapy (AMAH) is here to help you with our best summer skincare tips to prevent damage and keep your skin looking young and rejuvenated!

The Importance of Caring for Your Skin in the Summer

Have you noticed an increase in skin disruptions, such as heat rashes, allergies, or skin asthma during high humidity weather? When sweat ducts become clogged due to excess sweat and perspiration, heat rashes often worsen. Why? As humidity rises, the skin produces more sebum than usual, leaving your skin feeling greasy and oily, and inevitably leading to breakouts.

As the weather changes, temperature and humidity levels fluctuate, wreaking havoc on our skin. During summer, humidity levels reach an all-time high and the sun is more intense, making our skin more vulnerable than ever to things like:

  • Bacterial infections from increased sweating, acne breakouts, and clogged pores.
  • Rashes, such as prickly heat.
  • Inflammatory skin conditions, like eczema.
  • Dry and cracked skin due to sun exposure.
  • Chemical burns or harmful reactions from days spent in pools laden with chlorine and other cleaning products.

Symptoms range from raised bumps to large, swollen, painful blisters — both of which get covered by makeup further clogging pores.

7 Summer Skincare Tips

1. Don’t forget to moisturize.

This is going in as number one because it’s the simplest and lowest hanging fruit. Make sure that you’re using a water-based moisturizer with a broad-spectrum sunscreen (at least SPF 15). This will help you to counteract the dryness that comes from the heat that accompanies humidity, and the moisturizer will help you to keep your skin dry while you sleep. Don’t miss this important part of your daily skincare regimen.

2. Use a cleanser every day.

When you use a cleanser to remove makeup at night, you’re also getting the benefits of removing all of the grime and excess oil from your skin as well. This is a great way to feel refreshed when you go to bed at night. This step will yield great results and you will find it easy to keep your skin shimmering smooth.

3. Keep toner with you.

Toner is one of those amazing products that helps keep your face hydrated. If you’re going to be outside for prolonged periods of time, you can apply toner 2–3 times per day if needed. You will feel fresh and clean, and your skin will thank you for the trouble later!

4. Exfoliate your skin twice per week.

Scrub, scrub, scrub! This will be your best friend during the heat and humidity of summer. Exfoliating your skin in humid temperatures won’t make you oily, rather it will help clear your skin and pores. This is a must for keeping your skincare regimen together through the hot months.

5. Watch out for too much makeup.

This is probably one of the biggest components of successful skincare in the summertime. Putting on too much foundation will clog the pores, and the heat and humidity will compound the consequences of that decision. So go for a lighter touch when you’re applying your makeup, and skip it whenever possible. Too much can be a really bad thing, not only in appearance but in terms of the cost to your skin.

6. Wear a cute wide brim sun hat.

This classic look never goes out of style! Whether it’s with an amazing sundress, in your bikini at the beach, or even with most casual looks, a wide brim sun hat will not only give your style some extra pop, but you’ll also be saving your face the trouble of extended exposure to the sun. So kill two birds with one awesome hat and don’t look back.

7. Drink plenty of fluids.

Water is going to be the key to your success here. Make sure that you’re putting in the effort drinking water, no differently than the gym and your diet. Keeping your body hydrated won’t only help you to really get the most out of your skincare regimen, but you’ll also feel so much better. Dehydration is not attractive — nor is what it ends up doing to the skin on your face and body. So don’t skip out on the water, and make sure you’re getting all of the hydration your body needs.

8. Make sure to apply and reapply sunscreen often.

For those days when you’re out chilling on the beach, in the park, or just out with friends, you need to make sure that you’re taking the time to really put on sunscreen. But it isn’t enough to apply it once. You need to make sure you’re reapplying often. Every time you get in the water, sweat it off, or, in general, just lose it off of your skin, make sure that you’re putting on a fresh coat.

How Can Atlanta Mobile Aesthetics and Hydrotherapy Help?

At AMAH we understand the importance of healthy, rejuvenated skin year-round, which is why we strive to provide exceptional treatment plans to suit your individualized needs based on your desired results, skin type, and current skin conditions and complaints.

Our highly trained staff offers a wide range of services, such as

Are you struggling with the high humidity levels or summer skin issues in Atlanta? Call to schedule an appointment with our team to provide you with the best summer skincare tips and hydrotherapy available.

Updated 4/16/2022